I am deaf and I know that our film crew will not become enough competitive to enter the film industry; one that is challenged and dominated by Hollywood wolves...Hollywood is a source for making million films and is the home of moguls of the film industry...I may call myself a film makers or perhaps the scared sheep who is discouraged by that fact or too impotent to stand up...But I won't be a black sheep...hmmm...well, maybe, but I prefer to integrate with Hollywood bugs by entertaining various audience rather than killing of all of those same nagging bugs...
So we can gather as military officers enough to compete with
the Hollywood moguls? Maybe, who knows...
one day it may happen, but for now, I'm not prepared...
And I may become further disgusted, as we cannot attract enough attention to our desire to make a great film....I may get pulled down to the deepest side of the end of the coffee cup...I may prefer not to make a film at all...
But the story of Hollywood wolves hungering for film dominance over the world is not because I have given up...something keeps me alive- swimming and holding my head up over the sea...
I have been absorbed in reading books about "making a great script". Since then I have been wondering...something has been irritating me...I recheck and reconsider my ability...I guess that I am not fit for the world of directing a film...
However, that is not the last word; I promise myself not to become involved...the last thing I did was question myself...I waited for a while and discovered something ...one of the most noticeable traits of my personality is flexibility...yes, flexibility is a picture of me...you get the idea...
Adaptability is what I posses...it is my unique trait...whenever I face an undesirable situation, I usually find ways around it...wherever I go, I usually succeed...whatever I practice, I pick up...now I am being drawn into the film bowl and want to see if my adaptability works in this bowl full of crowding wolves...not because I can, but because I am human and have the ability to think reasonably...
So I don't see my loss of hearing ability as an excuse...I see myself even more as a more potentially successful guy...I even think to myself that a deaf guy can be more powerful if he applies educated knowledge properly in any field...to be deaf means to be a visual learner...
To be a visual learner is even more worthy in a film area...a good movie director needs to be a good visual learner...I have been learning subjects through the amazing human sense of the eye... yes, the eye is unique...I must believe that nobody is willing to sell his/her eyes, even for a mass of green backs...
That is my visual learning style, and it is the most powerful of all other
learning styles...71.4%...amazing...
we use our eyes all our lives...that can be our weapon
in the film directing field...can't we do it?
To have both eyes to see and hearing abilities is happier or even the happiest state of being...of course, I would prefer to be able to hear if I was given an opportunity...but my current status quo is different...I am deaf, and I cannot do anything to return my hearing abilities...I do not want to risk my life by getting cochlea implant just to get hearing back...nothing is perfect...I have grown up deaf and I am happy with my flaw...
But now, to have eyes and to lack hearing abilities is more powerful...not because I am boasting about my deaf identity, but because I am saying that we, the deaf, see things through our eyes for our whole lives, and our visual perception is getting sharper and sharper with every passing day...which is wonderful for becoming fit in a film directing world...
The only thing left and the last thing that I value is my eyes...I am happy to say that I have wonderful eyes and I can look so far away, just like eagle's eyes...I will use them for something...one of those “somethings” is to get involved myself in the film world, to see how far my eye can reach...I will compete enough to shake the Hollywood zombie shepherd, but only if I apply educated film making knowledge in a proper way, together with directing a film in a visual way...a deaf person's eye may not be comparable to other’s points of view, and the bugging mogul may laugh at us, but if we apply educated knowledge in a proper way, use visual perception in a confident way, and find investment in a lucky way, we will shock them with our empty hands and lack of our hearing abilities...
We, the deaf- do we want to look like zombies
wanting to eat the meat produced and
distributed by the Hollywood mogul?
I guess that we prefer to be entertained by
a powerful and visual deaf film entertainer…
The result of that effort smiles at me as I am building our team...I am happy with my teammates...Christer, Susy, Rebbecca and Cecilia...they are wonderful and committed...we really do have the potential to make things happen...so during the summer of 2007 we made a film in Stockholm, and we are happy now to complete it...it is currently in post-production and we hope that it will be completed this December or next January...our main mission was to focus on how our team functions, not the meat of the film story itself...now we are satisfied with our mates, so our next mission is to make our story more meaty...of course if we keep in touch and work together. We will make things happen; make a good film...
All of the above considerations produced a wonderful idea: Bull Heart Films...a beautiful mission...we, the deaf, having powerful visual perception, have gathered as a team, to apply our educated filming knowledge and to collaborate as a family. This will be our powerful weapon for the future...
Let's give Bull Heart Films a shoulder!
nice article; i hope your film is just as inspiring.
BTW check out mosdeux.com . maybe you guys can do stuff together, after all, a movie is a collaborative art.
Way to go!
I enjoyed reading your article. In some way I could relate to your article as I am a Deaf film maker myself from down under. Yes, I felt the Hollywood films are far beyond our reach but I enjoyed making films as one of my biggest passion. So that means I make films out of my own pockets and I have friends for a crew and actors. I just learn about film making on the way, rather than trying to get into Hollywood. I'd like to think my films are independent films rather than Hollywood.
So whenever and wherever I hear about Deaf films, I read all about it and love to support them. I thought we should have a Deafywood or something like that where we all have Deaf films?!?
Keep up the great work and I am certainly looking forward to hear more on your film and hope to see it one day.
yeah, we, the deaf, feel in the same way facing obstacles, but as we gather and muscle up together, we can sting the fat body of the Hollywood mogul from behind...;-)
you do the great job as you are passioned to make a film to show the world that we, the deaf, are able to do anything...
we can share anything in a film field...
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